Att den här låten spelades i lördags minns jag extra väl. De var under första droppet, "Suck it bitch!" som jag började dansa som en tok och de var vid samma tidpunkt som jag fick första specialshoten. Sen så hade tydligen de mesta av viagran fastnat i botten på glaset så de fyllde på, rörde om och gav mig snabbt en ny. Jag hade ingen aning, jag dansade ju.
'Cause I love your pretty smile, I love your needy stile
I love to be able to see that you are glamoures for a mile
I love the way you look, I love the way you cook,
I spend all time watching your pictures on the facebook
'Cause I love to buy you flowers, I love our hot showers,
I can watch you sleepin' for hours and hours,
I love the way you dance, the way you shake that ass,
But the thing I love most is cummin' on your face, SUCK IT BITCH!
'Cause I love your pretty smile, I love your needy stile
I love to be able to see that you are glamoures for a mile
I love the way you look, I love the way you cook,
I spend all time watching your pictures on the facebook
'Cause I love to buy you flowers, I love our hot showers,
I can watch you sleepin' for hours and hours,
I love the way you dance, the way you shake that ass,
But the thing I love most is cummin' on your face, SUCK IT BITCH!